Silver hoops in various sizes next to gold hoops in various sizes


En favoritt som har vært med oss i lang tid, er våre Beloved Hoops - de tidløse hoops som er perfekte for enhver anledning. Siden det virker som om du elsker dem like mye som vi gjør, har vi utvidet kolleksjonen med ringer i ulike design og størrelser. Les vår Beloved Hoops Guide for å forstå forskjellen mellom hoopsene og se hvordan vi styler dem. Som alltid er Beloved Hoops laget av 100% resirkulert sølv for å beskytte miljøet.


The Beloved Hoops are our classic thin hoops that comes in three different sizes – minismall, and medium. If you’re not sure what to get, the Beloved Hoops are always a good choice and the most perfect everyday hoop.

A large silver hoop and two medium hoops, one in silver and one in gold Gold hoops in various sizes next to silver hoops in various sizes


The new addition Beloved Fat Hoops are a pair of slightly thicker and more chunky hoops. The hoops come in three different sizes – smallmedium, and big. If you’re looking for a pair of trendy hoops that looks just as good for everyday life as for parties, you have found the right ones.

Gold hoops in various sizes next to silver hoops in various sizes Three silver hoops in three different sizes


The new Beloved Twisted Hoops are delicate twisted hoops that comes in two different sizes – small and medium. The twisted design give the earrings a personal touch!

To twisted gold hoops in two different sizes, one medium and one small Gold hoops in two different sizes next to silver hoops in two different sizes


The Beloved collection is perfect for stacking, which means adding more earrings on the same ear – you can style and combine as you wish and create your own unique style. Not sure where to start? Our best tip for a balanced look is to choose one earring to start off with and then continue to work on your stack from there. Start with the biggest hoop closest to the cheek and continue along the ear with smaller and smaller hoops.

Find your favorites among the different hoops and create your own combinations. Jewelry makes your look even more personal and is the perfect complement to your outfit. Dare to mix gold and silver! The combination really adds a unique touch and is guaranteed to attract attention.

The hoops stacking with gold hoops in different sizes and two twisted gold hoops Gold hoops in various sizes next to silver hoops in various sizes

Want to personalize your stacking even more? Add charms of your choice from the Beloved collection to your hoops and create your own unique earrings.

Don’t forget to tag @syster_p on Instagram and show us your stacking!

Keep shining!